Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm a little bit sad today...I finally pulled all the newborn size clothes out of Joanna's armoire. While she's still not chubby enough to really fill them out, they are getting way too short! She has a ton of cute 0-3 month clothes which still fit perfectly, but pulling out those too-tiny outfits is just a tangible reminder that these sweet babies grow up so fast!

I have to remind myself that it's a good thing, really. She's healthy and growing. In light of her weight loss and slow gain early on, we were thrilled to find she had gained 2 lbs. in a month at her 2-month check-up. And I do look forward to all those developmental milestones...sitting up, crawling, those first tentative steps, and the first time she calls me "Mommy." I just don't want to rush through the snuggly newborn stage.

*Sigh* I guess I'll just try to enjoy this fleeting stage to the fullest and look forward to the future. After all, I am excited about the prospect of watching her play with dollies, dress up like a princess, and invite me to imaginary tea parties. I'm just enjoying her sweet "babyness" too much to accept that she has to grow up!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow. 2 months and she is just now getting out of newborn? You're lucky! As much as I love chubby little cheeks, I sure enjoy when they stay little for that much longer!

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